
Hey there,

Just a quick note because I wanted to share something that’s happening today, at 2:39 AM, the Moon moved into Capricorn! With the Moon in Capricorn, you might start feeling this deep need to prove your worth by being useful to others or to society in general.

There’s this sense that safety comes from doing things that matter, like working hard or making progress in the “real world.” But, honestly, that drive to justify everything through external validation can be a bit tricky. You might find yourself looking outside for approval, whether it’s at work, from friends, or just in general, but that kind of validation never really soothes your inner doubts.

Trust me, I know how tempting it is to seek that approval, especially when you feel like you’re not being seen or appreciated. But the truth is, that’s not going to fill the void. It’s only going to make you question yourself even more.

This energy can also bring up feelings of shyness or insecurity, like, "Am I even good enough?" You might start resenting the fact that people don’t seem to notice all the work you're doing, which can be super frustrating. If you feel a bit overlooked or even unloved, just know that these feelings are part of the Capricorn Moon’s intensity.

It pushes us to look at where we stand with ourselves, not just in the eyes of others.

Here’s the thing: you have to trust your own values. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in what other people think, but doing that can make you susceptible to all kinds of pressures that don’t really align with who you are deep down. Don’t let the outside world dictate your worth.

I mean, you’ve had to deal with tough realities since childhood, so you’ve got this inner strength to get through hard times, you’ve always known how to survive, right? That resilience is something to lean on now.

On the upside, this period can also bring out your talents for business or organization, so if you’ve been working on something or have a project in mind, you might find yourself really thriving. Just be careful not to get too caught up in the hustle. Capricorn’s energy sometimes forgets that it’s okay to be a little carefree, to relax and let loose. So while you might be all about success and working hard, don’t forget to give yourself some breathing room.

Anyway, if you’re feeling all this stuff today or in the next few days, know that you’re not alone. Try to stay grounded, trust yourself, and remember that you’re enough without needing everyone else to say so. You’ve got this!

Do you want to make the most of this energy?  Our Transit Chart Calculator offers personalized insights and guidance tailored just for you.

Today's Chart Suggestion

When it comes to love and relationships, the Moon in Capricorn can make things feel a bit more serious and focused on long-term stability rather than fleeting emotions. You might find yourself wanting reassurance that your relationship is grounded and moving toward something real, but be careful not to rely too much on your partner for validation. There’s a tendency to measure your worth through how loved or appreciated you feel, which can create pressure or distance if things aren’t perfect. For personalized guidance on navigating these energies, consider exploring our Composite Chart Calculator.

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With cosmic love,
