
Hey there,

I woke up to breakfast in bed, with juice and bread crumbs scattered across my sheets, and a beautiful painting by my kid adorning our living room wall. 

While for some, this scene might evoke anxiety (I have to confess, I experienced some of that), for mothers on our special day, it feels like the ultimate prize.

Being able to celebrate with your loved ones this morning is worth every crumb, every juice spill, or paint stain. 

And that's precisely the energy the universe wants us to channel today. 

The moon aligns with the sun and Venus, bringing a sense of calm and confidence. Suddenly, those tough spots don't seem so daunting anymore.

Everything is out there for you to appreciate and enjoy since the environment welcomes you with open arms to realize the abundance that surrounds you.

By the end of the day, you might even feel like you've got a better handle on things for the upcoming week. 

PS. If you've left things to the last minute and still don't know what to give your mother today, we have an ideal gift for her: our Personality and Past Life Report.

This is definitely not your typical gift; it delves into the unique cosmic influences that shaped her into the wonderful person she is today. Packed with fascinating insights, it truly highlights her special qualities.

And wait, because we have something extra special for you too! I'm offering a special discount! Simply use the code MOTHER20 to enjoy 20% off any purchase over $50.

But act fast! You only have until midnight before the promotion is over. Since our reports are digital, they'll be delivered straight to your inbox just in time for Mother’s Day.

Discounts like these don't come around often, so if you've been contemplating, now's the perfect time to seize the opportunity. To claim yours:

  1. Click on this link.

  2. Enter the birth details.

  3. Select the 2 Bundle Package with the Personality & Past Life report.

  4. Apply coupon code MOTHER20 for your exclusive discount at checkout.

Pro tip: To make this gift extra meaningful, spend time together going through the reports. This way, you can help her grasp what makes her who she is.

Today's Entertainment

Each zodiac sign faces its own obstacles on the path to finding love.

By avoiding drama, we conserve our energy and focus on positive relationships and experiences.

From fiery Aries to dreamy Pisces, your zodiac sign reveals the key to making you feel truly cherished.

Today's Chart Suggestion

Explore how the events of tonight will impact on your life with our Transit Chart calculator.

Don't miss out! You still have 5 more days to participate. We're kicking off our social media accounts with a blast, offering 10 astrology reports! Join us in celebrating this milestone!

To be eligible to win, simply:

  1. Follow us at @authority.astrology on IG.

  2. Like this post and tag 2 friends in a comment.

  3. Create your Birth Chart and share a picture of it in a story with an interesting fact about it. (Don’t forget to tag us!)

Diving Deeper

Understand your personality dynamics and gain valuable insights into your life

Understand your relationship dynamics and gain valuable insights into your love life

Uncover the roots of your current struggles with our comprehensive Past Life Overview Report.

With cosmic love,
