
Hey there,

This morning, I woke up feeling a sense of closure. 

May is already halfway through, and it's incredible to think about all the emotions we've experienced so far.

I've been feeling like the emotional cleanse of the year is almost complete, especially as today marks the end of the post-shadow period for Mercury retrograde. 

One thing that's been on my mind lately is the idea of connections. 

Every year, it seems like I have fewer people in my life, yet the connections I do have are stronger and more meaningful.

It's a reminder that quality truly does outweigh quantity, especially as we grow older and prioritize what truly matters. Today, with the sun in Taurus conjoining Uranus, this feeling of change and evolution only grows stronger. 

It's like the universe is nudging us forward, encouraging us to embrace the unknown and move onward and upward.

So, take this cosmic shift as an invitation to do as you please. 

There's no more retrograde nonsense to worry about, so why not seize the moment and enjoy the freedom that comes with it?

Looking for more answers?

Today's Entertainment

Feeling stuck is a natural part of life's journey, but understanding the root causes can help us break free and embrace growth.

This zodiac friends are like mentors who help us grow and become better versions of ourselves.

Today is his birthday!!! His zodiac sign is Taurus, a sign known for its determination, creativity, and love for the arts, which perfectly aligns with his career and personality.

Today's Chart Suggestion

We’re just beginning the week, and if you want further clarity on how the upcoming days will unfold for you: explore the current astrological influences on your life with our Transit Chart calculator.

Don't miss out! You still have 2 more days to participate. We're kicking off our social media accounts with a blast, offering 10 astrology reports! Join us in celebrating this milestone!

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  1. Follow us at @authority.astrology on IG.

  2. Like this post and tag 2 friends in a comment.

  3. Create your Birth Chart and share a picture of it in a story with an interesting fact about it. (Don’t forget to tag us!)

Diving Deeper

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Uncover the roots of your current struggles with our comprehensive Past Life Overview Report.

With cosmic love,
