
Hey there,

With this cosmic movement, expect a subtle yet notable change in the air.

What does that mean for us?

Well, expect conversations to slow down a bit. People might take their time thinking things through before speaking. Since it's a good time for making decisions, but thoughtfully and slowly.

However, it's essential to avoid being overly stubborn in your opinions, your decisions, and your ideas.

Taurus's influence may tempt us to dig in our heels and resist change, but flexibility and open-mindedness will serve us better in the long run or at least will give us an opportunity to try something new out... Something we'd like more.

For example, today I went for my daily coffee at my favorite coffee shop, it's my own routine of peace when I walk my favorite streets, exchange some words with my barista, and head back to my office. 

In all of this, I take less than 15 minutes, but it vast me to have a great mood for the rest of the day.

Yet, today it was closed. 

Something so little that yet gets my mood down. The idea of having to look out for a new place, the fear of bad coffee getting to me, it was so silly yet so anxious. 

Very Taurus of myself.

So I decided to be faithful to my little place and head back again, yet, on my way back, I discovered a new spot and gave it a chance... and guess what? Great coffee, a great playlist (that's essential for every good coffee shop, right?), and nice personnel... 

It truly felt like a message from our universe saying: either you make plans, draw lines, or cross them and wait for something amazing to be in the other place.

So what will you choose today?

Today's Entertainment

Our birth months may hold the key to understanding our deepest romantic desires.

Seemingly mismatched zodiac pairs often find common ground and forge powerful connections.

The it-girl of the moment has her Moon under Taurus, the season we'll still be experiencing for a couple of days more. Her vibrant personality and style have made her a beloved figure in the entertainment industry.

Today's Chart Suggestion

Mercury in Taurus can also bring confusion around mid-terms plans, and if you’re feeling more anxious than usual we invite you to explore the current astrological influences on your life with our Transit Chart calculator.

Diving Deeper

Understand your personality dynamics and gain valuable insights into your life

Understand your relationship dynamics and gain valuable insights into your love life

Uncover the roots of your current struggles with our comprehensive Past Life Overview Report.

With cosmic love,
