
Today's horoscope

Yesterday at 12:56 PT, Mercury finally turned direct, and today, on its second day, the energy intensifies, bringing clarity and momentum to areas that may have felt stuck. If you’ve been grappling with indecision, miscommunications, or a lack of inspiration, this shift offers a chance to refocus and move forward with confidence. Whether it’s tackling a work challenge, revisiting personal goals, or finding your voice in conversations, Mercury direct is your green light to embrace progress and make things happen. Use this energy to reconnect with your purpose and set the stage for success.

Cosmic Musings

For the past month, I’ve been seeing someone new. It was exciting and full of hope, the kind of connection that makes you dream about what could be.

Yet our lifestyles, schedules, and priorities were pulling us in different directions. And even though I felt so much hope, I realized I was starting to get hurt, bending myself to make it work. So, I put it into words. I had the hard conversation, even though it wasn’t easy. And now, even as I feel the sadness of letting go, I’m also feeling proud, proud of honoring my needs and staying true to what I want in love and in life.

Mercury direct is about clarity. It’s about truth. It’s about realigning with your goals, your values, and your heart. Sometimes, that clarity shows you the way forward, and sometimes, it helps you close a door that’s been holding you back.

So, if there’s something in your life you’ve been unsure about, now is the time to get clear. Whether it’s a relationship, a goal, or even how you’re spending your time, this is your moment to realign and start fresh.

Let Mercury’s energy guide you to see things for what they are, and to make the decisions that honor you. Here’s to clarity, courage, and trusting that even endings lead us closer to where we’re meant to be.

Looking Ahead

Tomorrow brings a powerful Moon in Leo. This is the perfect time to:

  • Reflect on Your Passions: Take some quiet time today to think about what truly lights you up inside. Journaling your desires will help you align with the bold energy of tomorrow’s moon.

  • Clear Out the Old: Declutter your space, mind, or heart to make room for fresh, powerful intentions.

  • Boost Your Confidence: Spend time today affirming your strengths and talents. Stand tall in your power, so when the moon arrives, you’re ready to step into your next chapter with courage and clarity.

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Daily Affirmation

"I honor my truth and embrace the clarity that guides me. With courage and self-love, I release what no longer serves me and open my heart to what aligns with my highest good."

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With cosmic love,
