
Hey there,

Today at 15:50, the Moon moves into the nurturing and home-loving sign of Cancer. This is a time when emotions and personal security are especially tied to home life and family. A time, that got me thinking, what does make a home a home?

When I was little, I believed home was where my family and toys were, somewhere that felt safe, comfy, familiar, and mine. Then, when I had my first child, that sense of home was confirmed. Every time we went on vacation, instead of calling where we stayed a "hotel," my little one would call it "our home for the summer." It was as if, for him, the feeling of home was always there, no matter where we were.

Now, I’m getting divorced. (What a way to start a Monday newsletter with a group of people I don’t know, right?) But you can imagine, with all this happening in my life, my sense of "home" has been completely shattered. And, it's ironic, because over the past few days, whenever the stars sent messages about "home" or "family," I found myself feeling angry. Like I wanted to ask the universe: Really? You want to talk about family now, when mine feels like it’s falling apart?

But during one of those sleepless nights, I decided to do a past-life report. It was funny because, as an astrologer constantly looking at my own charts, I felt like I already knew everything.

Yet, seeing it again was a reminder.

I remember staring at the screen, looking at all the planetary positions, and feeling like I had one of those “aha moments" where I was reminded of how deeply connected I am to everything, of how I belong to something bigger than I often remember, and how I never walk alone.

That—that feeling of home—is around me, inside me, beside me, because at the end of the day, the universe itself is my home.

This is your reminder. That, no matter what you’re going through (and believe me, I know how tough life can be), we are held by the same stars, the same moon, the same universe. This is our home.

We’re connected, and you are never truly alone.

Today, with the Moon in Cancer, your natural tendencies toward caregiving and protection may be heightened. You might feel more drawn to nurturing others, and those around you will likely be attracted to your warm, home-centered nature.

Your deep emotional sensitivity makes you an ideal parent and a supportive friend, but be careful not to overdo it. Sometimes, too much care can overwhelm others or make them feel like you depend on them too much.

This is a powerful time to reconnect with your emotional roots, find comfort in your environment, and nurture a sense of belonging, not only for yourself but for those around you.

Do you want to make the most of this energy? Our Transit Chart Calculator offers personalized insights and guidance tailored just for you.

Today's Chart Suggestion

The energy of the Moon entering Cancer can significantly impact relationships by heightening emotional sensitivity and nurturing instincts. During this time, people may feel a stronger desire for connection and support from loved ones, leading to deeper emotional bonds. It’s an ideal moment for expressing feelings, sharing vulnerabilities, and creating a safe space for open communication. However, this heightened sensitivity can also lead to misunderstandings if one partner feels overwhelmed by the other's emotions. For personalized guidance on navigating these energies, consider exploring our Composite Chart Calculator.

Diving Deeper

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Understand your relationship dynamics and gain valuable insights into your love life

Uncover the roots of your current struggles with our comprehensive Past Life Overview Report.

This in-depth analysis delves into the dynamics and identity of your relationship, providing essential insights into how you harmonize and challenge each other.

This comprehensive analysis taps into the unique insights of your astrological chart to provide you with a roadmap to financial success and career fulfillment.
This comprehensive analysis uses your progressed astrological chart to provide insights into your personal evolution and future potential.

With cosmic love,
