
Hey there,

Spooky season is in full swing, and today at 15:15 PT, the Sun officially enters the mysterious and intense sign of Scorpio. A time to reflect on why we are so afraid of our shadows.

Because in a world that constantly reminds us we need to be the light in the room, the sweetest, the kindest, in order to be loved, it’s natural that we push away or hide our darkest side. But this season isn't going anywhere, and we’d be better off allowing ourselves to feel it. The question is, how?

The first time I watched Harry Potter, I became obsessed with the idea of becoming a witch. That fascination led me to buy as many books on esotericism, magic, and witchcraft as I could find. The more I read about these powerful women, the more convinced I became that I wanted to be a witch.

They could heal, do whatever they wanted, and even had the right to get mad and turn someone into a frog. (Anger, something we, as women, are rarely "allowed" to express) They were free, and as a teenager, I craved that.

Even now, I sometimes find myself wishing I could be a witch. But the way I was raised, along with society's expectations of what I should be, still clashes with that desire. There’s always that lingering fear reminding me: witches get burned. And I might too, if I follow my instincts too closely.

Yet (and this is maybe because I’m a Scorpio) every time I follow my instincts, even when I allow myself to get burned (no, let me correct that: especially when I get burned) I feel the most like myself.

This isn’t about reckless behavior or harming myself or others. It’s about honoring what I truly want to do.

But claiming that power can be overwhelming, especially when staying in your comfort zone feels so safe, so easy. Yet, Scorpio season is here to remind us that no matter who we are, we deserve to be fully seen and fully loved, by ourselves. Because if you don’t embrace every part of who you are—the dark, the light, the good, and the bad—and see yourself as the love of your own life, you’ll always be waiting for someone else to fill that role. And dear reader, you don’t deserve to wait.

If you’re willing to embrace your shadow self, Scorpio season can help you emerge stronger, more self-aware, and empowered. So don’t shy away from the dark: this is where true transformation begins.

Do you want to make the most of this energy? Our Transit Chart Calculator offers personalized insights and guidance tailored just for you.

Today's Chart Suggestion

Scorpio season can intensify emotions in relationships, urging us to confront hidden feelings and unspoken truths. As we explore our shadows, we may find ourselves drawn to deeper connections, but be mindful of jealousy and possessiveness that can arise. Embracing vulnerability during this time can strengthen bonds, leading to profound transformations in how we relate to one another. For personalized guidance on navigating these energies, consider exploring our Composite Chart Calculator.

Diving Deeper

Understand your personality dynamics and gain valuable insights into your life

Understand your relationship dynamics and gain valuable insights into your love life

Uncover the roots of your current struggles with our comprehensive Past Life Overview Report.

This in-depth analysis delves into the dynamics and identity of your relationship, providing essential insights into how you harmonize and challenge each other.

This comprehensive analysis taps into the unique insights of your astrological chart to provide you with a roadmap to financial success and career fulfillment.
This comprehensive analysis uses your progressed astrological chart to provide insights into your personal evolution and future potential.

With cosmic love,
