
Hey there,

So, Venus entered Scorpio last night at 19:36, and today, you can probably feel the energy shift already. Venus in Scorpio is no joke: it’s intense, deep, and brings out all those powerful emotions that we sometimes keep under wraps.

For the next few weeks (until October 17), expect a lot more focus on real, meaningful connections. It’s less about surface-level stuff and more about diving into what truly matters in relationships and how we connect with others.

When Venus is in Scorpio, everything feels heightened.

There’s a stronger need for closeness, mystery, and intimacy: not just in romantic relationships, but in any kind of connection that matters to you. You’ll probably find yourself wanting more emotional depth from the people around you, and there’s this sense that anything less just won’t cut it. It’s a great time to strengthen bonds and really focus on the quality of your interactions.

Scorpio is known for being a little more private and mysterious, so it’s also about exploring the parts of ourselves that we don’t always show to the world.

Whether it’s opening up to someone close or just reflecting on what we want in relationships, this energy pushes us to be more authentic. Venus in Scorpio is all about going deep and not shying away from the truth, even if it’s a little uncomfortable at times.

At the same time, Scorpio can be a bit all-or-nothing.

If something isn’t working in a relationship or situation, you might feel more inclined to either fix it or let it go. There’s not a lot of middle ground here. You’ll probably notice that if something doesn’t feel aligned with your energy, it’ll be hard to ignore during this period. It’s a good time to reassess what’s important and make sure you’re investing your energy in things and people that really matter.

That being said, there’s also a big focus on self-care right now. Taking care of yourself first is key, and setting boundaries is super important. Venus in Scorpio asks us to make sure we’re not carrying the emotional weight of others, and instead, prioritize our own well-being.

One last thing, since Venus also rules money, this is a reminder to be mindful of your spending habits. With emotions running high, there could be a temptation to splurge. But if you stay grounded and keep an eye on your budget, you’ll be able to make smart financial choices.

All in all, Venus in Scorpio is here to help us deepen our connections, strengthen boundaries, and transform the way we love and take care of ourselves. It’s an intense but rewarding energy, so embrace it and enjoy the ride!

Do you want to make the most of this energy?  Our Transit Chart Calculator offers personalized insights and guidance tailored just for you.

Today's Chart Suggestion

Venus in Scorpio brings intensity and passion to love relationships, deepening emotional bonds and encouraging real, raw honesty between partners. This energy pushes you to move beyond surface-level interactions and get to the heart of what truly matters. Expect more vulnerability, as feelings are heightened, and you may find yourself craving stronger, more meaningful connections. For personalized guidance on navigating these energies, consider exploring our Composite Chart Calculator.

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With cosmic love,
