
Hey ,

Last night, in my efforts to have more "me-time," I went for dinner with some friends, and since most of us are really into astrology, we were discussing how tomorrow Mars will join Neptune in Pisces, bringing a wave of energy filled with romance, making it the perfect time to manifest your dream love life. 

But it was interesting to see that when we shared what we wanted for the future of our relationships, I realized we were making a mistake. We had only focused on the changes we'd like to see in the other person instead of focusing on the relationship itself.

Something that I learned by studying the power of manifesting is that to get something, we need to be able to visualize it. 

Being broad doesn't work because if you've ever been single or have been in a relationship where you're not sure if you'd like to continue, you know that one single detail could change the decision of whether you'll keep dating them or not.

So today, let's pause and truly reflect. 

Take a moment to contemplate what you genuinely desire. Let this Taurus season guide you, and let's harness those self-assured vibes characteristic of the sign to visualize your ideal love story. 

Whether you're single or in a long-term relationship, think about the relationship you want to be in without focusing on the other person, but more on all the love you know you deserve and in what actions that will be expressed. 

And this time, be as specific as possible.

Tomorrow will be your moment to manifest the love life you've been dreaming of.

Today's Entertainment

Understanding the astrological influences behind mixed signals can provide clarity into your partner's behavior.

These zodiac signs can protect themselves better by understanding their tendencies and setting boundaries in relationships.

Today’s her birthday!! Lizzo's zodiac sign is Taurus, a sign known for its determination, sensuality, and appreciation for the finer things in life.

Today's Chart Suggestion

Make a Synastry Chart and take a look at what Neptune in Pisces will affect in you and your partner. You’ll receive comprehensive insights and advice tailored for your relationship.

Diving Deeper

Understand your personality dynamics and gain valuable insights into your life

Understand your relationship dynamics and gain valuable insights into your love life

Uncover the roots of your current struggles with our comprehensive Past Life Overview Report.

With cosmic love,
