Can You Believe It ?

Hi ,

What is abundance defined by? Is it the same as wealth?

Yet, wealth is the accumulation of money, while abundance is a state of consciousness where what you have today is enough.

Today, I feel fortunate and grateful for living in abundance, a reality I once manifested with my crystals. Unsure of where to begin?

And today is the perfect day to begin, as March 14th marks a celestial shift with the sun moving into Pisces, ushering in a period of introspection and emotional depth.

In Vedic astrology, the sun is dubbed the "king" among planets, signifying authority and self-respect. It's like the universe is shining a spotlight on your innermost thoughts and emotions. And it's a time to draw inspiration from life's beauty.

After all, what better way to tap into the cosmic vibe than by recognizing the glow in those around us?

Looking for some extra inspiration? Why not create your own transit chart and see what the universe has in store for you!

Manifestation Exercise 

Take a moment to sit in quiet reflection. Visualize yourself surrounded by a warm, glowing light, representing love and compassion. As you breathe deeply, imagine this light expanding and enveloping your entire being, filling you with a sense of peace and connection. 

Repeat the affirmation: "I am open to receiving love and connection in all areas of my life." 

Trust in the universe to guide you on your journey toward deeper connections and fulfillment.

Quote of the Day

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

- Lao Tzu

With Pisces season in full swing, it's like we're all being invited to embrace the mysteries of the universe and open our hearts to love and all its possibilities.

Here's to soaking up that cosmic energy and letting our hearts lead the way.

With cosmic love,
