The Descendant and who you will attract

Hey there,

Ever wonder why your relationships follow a certain pattern? The answer might be in your astrological Descendant.

This key aspect of your birth chart reflects the qualities you seek in partners and can reveal why you might be attracting the wrong people (or perhaps the right people).

This is what some of the descendant placements may mean:

  1. Descendant in Aries: Drawn to confident, assertive partners; potential for power struggles.

  2. Descendant in Taurus: Attraction to stable, reliable partners; risk of stagnancy.

  3. Descendant in Gemini: Seeks intellectually stimulating partners; may lack emotional depth.

  4. Descendant in Cancer: Drawn to nurturing, sensitive partners; risk of overdependence.

  5. Descendant in Leo: Attracted to charismatic, expressive partners; possible ego clashes.

  6. Descendant in Virgo: Seeks practical, detail-oriented partners; risk of over-criticism.

  7. Descendant in Libra: Desire for harmony and balance; indecisiveness in relationships.

  8. Descendant in Scorpio: Attraction to intense, transformative relationships; issues with control.

  9. Descendant in Sagittarius: Seeks adventurous, freedom-loving partners; commitment issues.

  10. Descendant in Capricorn: Drawn to responsible, ambitious partners; emotional coldness.

  11. Descendant in Aquarius: Attracted to unconventional partners; emotional detachment.

  12. Descendant in Pisces: Seeks compassionate, empathetic partners; unrealistic expectations.

In order to find where your placement, create your own birthchart here.

I’d be interested in hearing whether it accurately explains some of the relationship patterns you have experienced and the partners you are attracted to?

Having access to this knowledge means that, on a daily basis, you could focus your efforts on:

  • Choosing partners who challenge you positively, rather than repeating old cycles.

  • Recognizing when you're drawn to someone for growth versus comfort.

  • Making informed choices in love, aligned with your true relationship needs.

It’s time to transform your understanding of love from a mystery to a map. Let the stars guide you to healthier, more fulfilling relationships.


Sonya Schwartz
Authority Astrology