Even more Aquarius energy!?

Dear there,

Yet another planet will move into Aquarius on February 13th.

As if we thought there wasn’t enough Aquarius energy, we’re about to get even more.

This means that in addition to Mars, we’ll also have Pluto, Mercury, and of course, the Sun, in Aquarius.

This Mars move is a match made in heaven, though. Keep reading to find out why.

Why Aquarius and Mars Are a Match Made in the Cosmos

Aquarius, known for its visionary spirit, and Mars, with its dynamic energy, come together to create a powerhouse of potential.

This combination urges us to break free from conventional paths and to explore new horizons. It's about harnessing the courage to follow our unique desires and to stand up for causes that matter to us.

The Aquarian influence encourages collective well-being, innovation, and unconventional wisdom, while Mars injects passion, motivation, and the drive to take action.

Together, they offer a golden opportunity to initiate meaningful changes in our lives and the world around us.

How to Make the Most of It

To truly embrace this cosmic shift, focus on the areas of your life that crave transformation. This is the time to:

  • Innovate: Think outside the box and welcome new approaches in your work and personal projects.

  • Connect: Engage with like-minded communities or networks that inspire you to grow and contribute.

  • Advocate: Stand up for what you believe in and use your voice to make a difference.

In matters of the heart, Mars in Aquarius encourages us to embrace openness and authenticity. Communicate your desires and expectations with your partner or potential love interests in a straightforward manner. For singles, this might mean attracting someone who truly appreciates your individuality and quirks.

Financially, this transition could spark innovative ideas for income generation. Keep an eye out for unconventional investment opportunities or side hustles that align with your passions.

Career-wise, it's time to take bold steps. Whether it's proposing a groundbreaking project, seeking a new job that aligns more closely with your values, or even starting your venture, the stars are aligning to support your ambitions.

Where to Focus Your Energy

When Mars enters Aquarius, the impact it has on your personal life greatly depends on your individual birth chart, specifically where Aquarius lands in it.

Each house in astrology represents different areas of our lives, and when a planet like Mars moves into a new sign, it energizes the themes of the house it transits through.

Given the universal nature of Aquarius, focusing on your 11th house—the house of friendships, hopes, and dreams—will be particularly beneficial. Cultivate your network and engage with community goals.

However, don't forget to tailor this guidance to your personal chart for more specific insights.

As we navigate this exciting period, remember that the cosmos is supporting your journey towards a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Remember, the positive outcomes of Mars entering Aquarius depend on how you harness this energy.

Being proactive, innovative, and willing to embrace change will help you make the most of this transit.

Wishing you clear skies and bright stars,


P.S. Don't miss out on this exclusive Valentine's offer which will expire shortly - 20% discount on compatibility report that will unlock the astrological insights between you and your partner. (Code: VALENTINES20). This deal expires at midnight of the 14th.