February 2024: Your Month in the Cosmos

Hey there,

As we step into February 2024, the cosmos is aligning in some pretty interesting ways.

I'm here to give you a heads-up on the major astrological events this month and what they could mean for you and your sun sign.

Let's dive right in!

Sunday, February 4: Mercury Enters Aquarius

Get ready for some fresh, innovative thinking! Mercury's move into Aquarius is all about breaking the mold and embracing new ideas. This is a fantastic time to connect with friends, engage in group activities, and let your individuality shine.

Friday, February 9: New Moon in Aquarius

New moons are always about new beginnings, and in Aquarius, this one's got a quirky twist. Think about setting intentions related to freedom, change, and making a positive impact on the community. It's a powerful day for visionary dreaming!

Saturday, February 10: Lunar New Year

Celebrating the Lunar New Year under the Aquarius energy sets the stage for a year of innovation and social change. Embrace the new and set intentions for a year filled with progress and forward-thinking.

Monday, February 12: Mars Enters Aquarius

Mars in Aquarius is all about asserting your independence and fighting for what you believe in. If there's a cause you're passionate about, now's the time to take action. Expect an increase in energy towards humanitarian pursuits and group projects.

Friday, February 16: Venus Enters Aquarius

With Venus also joining the Aquarius party, expect your love life and finances to take an unconventional turn. This is a time to appreciate the unique in relationships and maybe even find romance in the most unexpected places.

Sunday, February 18: Sun Enters Pisces

As the Sun slips into dreamy Pisces, our focus shifts inward. This is a period for reflection, creativity, and tapping into your intuition. Pay attention to your dreams – they might have something important to tell you.

Thursday, February 22: Mercury Enters Pisces

When Mercury enters Pisces, our thinking becomes more intuitive and less logical. It's a great time for artistic endeavors and spiritual growth. Communication might be less about words and more about feelings and vibes.

Saturday, February 24: Full Moon in Virgo

To round off the month, the Full Moon in Virgo brings a practical energy that can help you organize and refine all those big ideas and feelings stirred up by Aquarius and Pisces. It's a perfect time to declutter your life – both physically and emotionally.

What an exciting month ahead!

To keep an eye on how these will impact you specifically based on your natal chart, keep on eye on your daily horoscope on these days specifically.

Stay stellar,

Sonya Schwartz
Authority Astrology

PS. If you want to be fully prepared for what's ahead in Feb 2024, why not create a transit chart?

Creating one for these days and gain valuable insights into how the planetary alignments and aspects may influence your life during that period.