First New Moon Of 2024 - Are You Ready?

Hey there,

The New Moon on January 11th is coming up fast, and it's a powerhouse for new starts.

Here's a simple guide to tap into this lunar event and apply it to your daily life.

The New Moon is when the Moon is between Earth and the Sun, making it invisible in our sky. It's the perfect time for fresh plans and setting intentions. 

Creating a transit chart for January 11th will compare the New Moon's position to your birth chart and tell you exactly what it means for you.

Here's how:

  • Enter your birth info and the date of the New Moon.

  • See in which of your houses it falls.

  • Look at where the New Moon lands and what aspects it forms with your natal planets.

The problem is, what should you focus on?

The New Moon falls into one of the 12 houses in your birth chart. Each house represents a different part of your life:

  • 1st House (Personal Makeover): Start that fitness routine or refresh your wardrobe.

  • 4th House (Home Zone): Time to declutter or initiate a home improvement project.

  • 7th House (Relationships Spot): Open up to meeting new people or strengthen existing bonds.

  • 10th House (Career Corner): Update your resume or set new professional goals.

You can ask the AI Astrologer what it means for you.

Then you might want to look at the major aspects the new moon forms with your natal chart.

For example, a New Moon squaring your natal Jupiter might be a call to review your budget, while a trine to your natal Venus could suggest a prime time for socializing or tapping into your creative side.

With your transit chart in hand, ask your AI Astrologer pointed questions about how to channel this New Moon energy.

(I tried this as you can see in the picture below and it looks like I’ll be having a rough time during this New Moon 🫣 )

Examples of some good questions to ask:

  • "What's the best way to use the New Moon in my 11th house for new opportunities?"

  • “Are there any challenges I should be aware of with the New Moon's aspects to my natal planets?"

  • "How does the New Moon support my personal growth right now?"

These insights are like your secret weapon—use them to navigate the month ahead.

So there you have it, steps to pinpoint exactly what this New Moon means for you in everyday terms and how to run with it.

Bring your questions to our AI Astrologer to unlock the answers tailored just for you.

Go ahead, step into your New Moon moment!

To New Beginnings,

Sonya Schwartz
Authority Astrology

PS. Your latest horoscope is also ready. You can click here to view the latest insights and aspects that are 100% specific to your unique birth chart.