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, most forget this about your Sun sign

Most people overlook 3 important things when they look at someone's sun sign that can have a huge impact...

Hey there,

Today, I want to talk about your sun sign for a minute.

You know? The part everyone thinks they've got that all figured out?

Well, there's much, much more to our Sun sign than most people even realize and it can’t only help you find direction in life but can also show you what you're really good at and the stuff you might struggle with

Just because you’re a Capricorn, doesn’t mean you’re going to have all the same traits as another Capricorn right?

The fact that you’re interested in creating your birth chart, let’s me know that you already know more than 99% out there.

That’s because aside from all the other planets in your chart, there are 3 very important things associated with your sun sign that, if you know them, can help make a huge difference in understanding yourself.

Let me share three overlooked aspects of our Sun signs that really set you apart as an individual.

1. Your Unique Shine: Beyond Just Your Sun Sign 

Your Sun sign is like the main character of your life story. But how this character comes alive isn't just about being a Capricorn or any other sign. To find this magic, look at your Sun sign's placement in your birth chart. This will give you the basic flavor of your personality. But remember, it's just the start. The real magic happens in how these traits are expressed.

For example, a Leo Sun in the 3rd House might light up the world with their words, making them a captivating speaker or writer. Meanwhile, a Leo in the 9th House could be an adventurous spirit, finding their shine in travel and exploration.

2. The Secret Sauce: Aspects and Angles 

These are the special touches that add complexity to your personality. You'll find them by looking at the angles between your Sun and other planets in your chart. A square (90 degrees) can mean tension and challenge, shaping your character in unique ways. A trine (120 degrees) suggests a smoother blend of traits.

If you're an Aquarius with a Sun square Uranus, expect some rebellious quirks! But an Aquarius Sun sextile Mercury? That could make you a brilliant and unconventional thinker.

3. Your Personal Stage: The Houses 

The house your Sun is in sets the stage for where you shine brightest. It's about where in life you express your identity most strongly. A Sun in the 6th House? Your daily work and routines might be where you're at your best. If it’s in the 11th House, you might be the star in group settings or friendships.

A Taurus Sun in the 2nd House often finds comfort in material security, while a Taurus Sun in the 5th House might find joy and expression in creative arts or leisure.

The best way to figure this out for yourself is by looking at your own birth chart and see where your sun sign falls, which aspects it makes with other planets and asteroids, and which house it falls in.

Not sure what it all means?

Don’t worry, just ask our AI Astrologer to explain what all the aspects and placements mean for you and you’ll get a lot more of an in-depth understanding of what makes you tick…

And more importantly, it’ll help you understand who you truly are and where you’re meant to be going.

I hope that’s helpful for you!

Best wishes,

Sonya Schwartz

PS. Your latest horoscope is ready to view here. It’s 100% unique to you and will show you how today’s transits will impact your day. Click here to read it.