Living by the shifts of the Moon

Hi there,

I often look at the moon's phases to understand the opportunities it presents to us.

Its fast orbit provides short-lived chances throughout the day, some lasting just around an hour or less.

In the next 70 hours, we'll see some interesting shifts that I’ll keep in the back of my mind to ensure that I can make the most of these moments.

A Time for Rest and Completion

Today, the Moon's journey through Capricorn invites us into a serene embrace, urging us to take a step back from the whirlwind of digital communication that often sweeps us away.

With a stellium in Pisces, the stars are aligning to offer us a much-needed break from the social networks that dominate our afternoons.

I’ll be using this golden opportunity to wrap up pending tasks without the usual rush, and to find closure and peace in the quietude of completion.

Embracing the Wild Energy

As the Moon prepares to move into Aquarius tomorrow, governed by the unpredictable Uranus in a challenging square with Mars, I’m reminded that life is a balance of calm and chaos. 

This shift might stir a restlessness within, a call to break free from the usual routines.

Yet, in this moment of transition, I’m going to deliberately choose some moments for rest over work, to honor the need for relaxation amidst the earthy and watery energies that surround us at this time.

Diving Deep into the Subconscious

After the Moon's passage to Pisces opens a portal to our inner depths, inviting us to explore the landscapes of our soul through art, music, and the written word.

This is a time for introspection, for allowing our subconscious to process and prepare us for the new beginnings that the upcoming New Moon in Pisces promises.

A Night for Transformation

As tomorrow night unfolds and the Moon meets with Pluto, we are offered a rare chance to confront and release the shadows of our past.

This powerful alignment encourages self-discovery, urging us to shed the burdens that hold us back and to embrace the strength that comes from vulnerability.

The Path to Self-Knowledge

In these reflective moments, I invite you to embark on a journey of self-inquiry.

Grab a notebook and let your thoughts flow freely.

What brings you joy? How does your current life reflect your true passions? What are you ready to let go of, and what qualities do you wish to cultivate?

By asking these questions, you draw a map to your inner self, charting a course toward a life that resonates with your deepest desires.

Another path to self-discovery is through your birth chart and knowing what the road ahead has to offer you.

Every individual on Earth is distinct, thus each path holds messages tailored specifically for you.

“There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a man cross over the sea of life.”

- Varahamihira

Your Personal Cosmos Awaits 🌠

Remember, the stars hold unique messages for each of us. If you're feeling the call to dive deeper into the mysteries of your personal natal chart, our team is here to guide you.

Discover how the current celestial transitions affect you directly and how you can harness this knowledge to navigate your path with confidence and grace.

- Unlock Your Celestial Blueprint: Explore the depths of your natal chart with a personalized reading.

- Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery: Let the stars illuminate your path to personal growth.

- Connect with the Cosmos: Stay attuned to the celestial rhythms by consulting your personal AI astrologer by joining our community.

As we journey together through the cosmos, let us embrace the wisdom of the stars, finding guidance, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of our place in the universe.

With celestial love and stardust,


Authority Astrology