Your March calendar is ready

Hey there,

As we march into March, the universe has a vibrant cosmic dance planned for us.

To know what’s in store for you specifically, check your personal calendar to see what aspects that transiting planets are forming with your natal chart.

In more general terms, it's a month filled with shifts that promise to stir the energies around and within us.

Below are some of the most notable events that will happen this month.

Friday, March 9: Mercury Enters Aries

Fasten your seatbelts! As Mercury dashes into Aries, expect communications to become more direct, assertive, and even a bit fiery. It's a fantastic period for initiating discussions and advocating for your ideas with passion.

Saturday, March 10: New Moon in Pisces

The New Moon in Pisces invites us to delve into our inner depths. It's an ideal time for introspection, setting intentions related to emotional healing, and tapping into our creative reservoirs. Let your dreams guide your wishes.

Sunday, March 11: Venus Enters Pisces

With Venus gliding into Pisces, romance takes on a mystical hue. This transit beckons us to find beauty in the ethereal and embrace unconditional love. It's also a period ripe for artistic expression and finding harmony in spiritual connections.

Sunday, March 18: Mercury Enters Pre-shadow

Prepare for the upcoming Mercury retrograde by pausing and reflecting on your communication strategies. The pre-shadow phase is your heads-up to backup digital data, double-check travel plans, and avoid miscommunications by being clear and deliberate in your interactions.

Monday, March 19: Aries Season Begins

As the Sun ignites the fire of Aries, we're infused with a fresh burst of energy and determination. It's the astrological new year, signaling a time of beginnings, courage, and the pursuit of personal goals. Charge ahead!

Friday, March 22: Mars Enters Pisces

Mars in Pisces blurs the lines between action and intuition. This transit encourages us to act on our instincts and engage in pursuits that feed our souls. While energy levels may feel more diffuse, it's an excellent time for healing and creative projects.

Saturday, March 23: Saturn Enters Pre-shadow

Saturn's pre-shadow period is a cue to reassess our structures, responsibilities, and the foundations upon which we build our lives. It's time to reinforce commitments, learn from challenges, and prepare for the lessons Saturn will teach us.

Monday, March 25: Lunar Eclipse in Libra

The Lunar Eclipse in Libra shines a spotlight on relationships and fairness. Eclipses bring sudden changes and revelations, so watch for shifts in your personal and professional partnerships. It's a powerful moment to rebalance and realign with your core values in relation to others.

What a dynamic month ahead, right?

Each of these transits holds opportunities for growth, transformation, and tapping into new energies.

To see how these events interact with your personal astrological chart, make sure you check your personalized calendar.



P.S. Curious about how March's astrological events will specifically impact you? Consider creating a detailed transit chart for personalized insights into how these cosmic shifts could influence your journey this month.