This hasn't happened in over 200 years

This is the most significant transits in 2024 and will have a significant impact on society as a whole...

Hey there,

So, have you heard about Pluto moving into Aquarius this Saturday? It's a pretty big deal in astrology.

Pluto resembles death, destruction, and reinvention. Out with the old, in with the new.

After having briefly moved there from March 23rd to June 11th last year, and then briefly retrograding back into Capricorn, it will now stay there from Jan 20th to Sept 1st (briefly retrograde back into Capricorn again), and then from Nov 19th all the way until March 9th, 2042.

It will be in Aquarius for a total of almost 20 years.

The last time it was in Aquarius for this long was over 200 years ago.

It's not every day we see such a significant shift, especially since the last one brought about groundbreaking changes in the 18th and 19th centuries.

It brought massive changes like revolutions and new ways of thinking about freedom and equality.

Kind of scary to think that this could that be in store for us just around the corner. Or is it already happening?

For you personally, this transit is a time for reflection and potential personal transformation. It's like a perfect time to reassess your place in the world, your values, and your aspirations.

What do you want to get out of life? Where do you fit in? What is your purpose?

I encourage you to create a transit chart for this period to see what kind of aspects Pluto in Aquarius is forming with your natal planets as this can help guide you.

For example…

  • Pluto in Aquarius Conjunct Natal Venus: This could signify a time of transformation in your relationships and values. You might find new ways to connect with others or redefine what you value in life.

  • Pluto in Aquarius Trine Natal Mars: This aspect could empower you to take assertive action towards innovative or humanitarian goals. It's a great time for initiating changes that align with Aquarius's focus on the collective good.

  • Pluto in Aquarius Opposite Natal Saturn: This transit might highlight tensions between your personal structures and the need for societal change. It could be a period of redefining your responsibilities and finding a balance between tradition and innovation.

  • Pluto in Aquarius Sextile Natal Uranus: This aspect can bring exciting opportunities for growth through new technologies or unconventional ideas. It's an excellent time for embracing change and exploring new ways of thinking.

Looking at which of your houses it’s in can also be helpful.

  • 1st House: Reinvent your personal image or start a self-improvement journey. It's a great time to update your wardrobe, start a new fitness routine, or develop new personal habits.

  • 4th House: Consider remodeling your home or addressing long-standing family issues. It could be an opportunity to create a more harmonious living environment or even relocate.

  • 7th House: Reevaluate your partnerships. This might be the time to either commit more deeply or let go of relationships that no longer serve you.

  • 10th House: Reflect on your career goals. Consider changing jobs, starting a new business, or taking steps toward a more fulfilling professional path.

Let me know what you uncover. I’m curious to hear.

Create your transit chart here and find out what Pluto going to Aquarius means for you.


Sonya Schwartz
Authority Astrology